Cited By
View all- Stegmann YPaulus JWieser MGamer M(2024)Aversive contexts enhance defensive responses to conditioned threatPsychophysiology10.1111/psyp.1462661:10Online publication date: 6-Jun-2024
Anticipation and prediction have been identified as key functions of many brain areas facilitating recognition, perception, and planning. In this chapter we present a hierarchical neurocomputational model in which feedback, effectively predicting or ...
It has been reported that a brief movement of a target during fixation elicited larger eye movement when primates were anticipating future smooth pursuit than when they were not, suggesting that the gain of visuomotor transmission was increased in ...
Predictions of the near future can optimize the accuracy and speed of sensory processing as well as of behavioral responses. Previous experience and contextual cues are essential elements in the generation of a subjective prediction. Using a blocked ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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