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Constructing a Hybrid Software Process Simulation Model in Practice: An Exemplar from Industry

Published: 16 September 2020 Publication History


Background: Software Process Simulation Modeling (SPSM) is of paramount importance to support quantitative management of software development process. Hybrid process simulation combines multiple simulation paradigms to reflect complex changes in realistic software processes, which brings inherent challenges to process management. Constructing a hybrid model requires more modeling expertise and experience than modeling by solo-paradigm. However, a few studies explicitly discuss the challenges they encountered as a topic, which may discourage practitioners. Objective: Our aim in this study is to present an industrial process modeling project as an exemplar to demonstrate and discuss the technical issues and challenges associated with hybrid process simulation in practice. Method: Based on the collaboration with a global software enterprise, we constructed a hybrid process simulation model that combines System Dynamics (SD) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES) to predict the project duration and release date for management. Results: Several challenges around hybrid process simulation of software development process are identified and discussed with the proposal of sets of solutions from different perspectives. The model is validated by comparing the simulation result with the actual enactment of the process in industry. In addition, the result confirms the rationality and efficacy of the suggested solutions to some extent. Conclusions: In the collaboration with the enterprise, five-step modeling procedure was adopted for constructing the hybrid process model. The experience reported about the detailed steps of hybrid modeling may offer reference value to the SPSM community.


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ICSSP '20: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and System Processes
June 2020
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 16 September 2020


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  1. hybrid simulation
  2. software process modeling


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  • National Natural Science Foundation of China



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