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CAPturAR: An Augmented Reality Tool for Authoring Human-Involved Context-Aware Applications

Published: 20 October 2020 Publication History


Recognition of human behavior plays an important role in context-aware applications. However, it is still a challenge for end-users to build personalized applications that accurately recognize their own activities. Therefore, we present CAPturAR, an in-situ programming tool that supports users to rapidly author context-aware applications by referring to their previous activities. We customize an AR head-mounted device with multiple camera systems that allow for non-intrusive capturing of user's daily activities. During authoring, we reconstruct the captured data in AR with an animated avatar and use virtual icons to represent the surrounding environment. With our visual programming interface, users create human-centered rules for the applications and experience them instantly in AR. We further demonstrate four use cases enabled by CAPturAR. Also, we verify the effectiveness of the AR-HMD and the authoring workflow with a system evaluation using our prototype. Moreover, we conduct a remote user study in an AR simulator to evaluate the usability.

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  3. embodied authoring
  4. end-user programming tool
  5. in-situ authoring
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