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Optimal Data Placement for Heterogeneous Cache, Memory, and Storage Systems

Published: 27 May 2020 Publication History


New memory technologies are blurring the previously distinctive performance characteristics of adjacent layers in the memory hierarchy. No longer are such layers orders of magnitude different in request latency or capacity. Beyond the traditional single-layer view of caching, we now must re-cast the problem as a data placement challenge: which data should be cached in faster memory if it could instead be served directly from slower memory? We present CHOPT, an offline algorithm for data placement across multiple tiers of memory with asymmetric read and write costs. We show that CHOPT is optimal and can therefore serve as the upper bound of performance gain for any data placement algorithm. We also demonstrate an approximation of CHOPT which makes its execution time for long traces practical using spatial sampling of requests incurring a small 0.2% average error on representative workloads at a sampling ratio of 1%. Our evaluation of CHOPT on more than 30 production traces and benchmarks shows that optimal data placement decisions could improve average request latency by 8.2%-44.8% when compared with the long-established gold standard: Belady and Mattson's offline, evict-farthest-in-the-future optimal algorithms. Our results identify substantial improvement opportunities for future online memory management research.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems  Volume 4, Issue 1
March 2020
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Published: 27 May 2020
Online AM: 07 May 2020
Published in POMACS Volume 4, Issue 1


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  1. cost-aware cache replacement
  2. data placement
  3. memory hierarchy
  4. non-volatile memory
  5. offline optimal analysis
  6. spatial sampling


  • Research-article

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  • National Science Foundation


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