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A Taste of the Software Industry Perception of Technical Debt and its Management in Uruguay: A survey in software industry

Published: 23 October 2020 Publication History


Background: Technical debt (TD) has been an important focus of attention in recent years by the scientific community and the software industry. TD is a concept for expressing the lack of internal software quality that directly affects its capacity to evolve. Some studies have focused on the TD industry perspective. Aims: To characterize how the software industry professionals in Uruguay understand, perceive, and adopt technical debt management (TDM) activities. Method: To replicate a Brazilian survey with the Uruguayan software industry and compare their findings. Results: From 259 respondents, many indicated any awareness of the TD concept due to the faced difficult to realize how to associate such a concept with actual software issues. Therefore, it is possible to observe a considerable variability in the importance of TDM among the respondents. However, a small part of the respondents declares to carry out TDM activities in their organizations. A list of software technologies declared as used by practitioners was produced and can be useful to support TDM activities. Conclusions: The TD concept and its management are not common yet in Uruguay. There are indications of TD unawareness and difficulties in the conduction of some TDM activities considered as very important by the practitioners. There is a need for more effort aiming to disseminate the TD knowledge and to provide software technologies to support the adoption of TDM in Uruguay. It is likely other software engineering communities face similar issues. Therefore, further investigations in these communities can be of interest.


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  1. A Taste of the Software Industry Perception of Technical Debt and its Management in Uruguay: A survey in software industry



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      ESEM '20: Proceedings of the 14th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM)
      October 2020
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      Published: 23 October 2020


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      1. Technical debt
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