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Finally on Par?! Multimodal and Unimodal Interaction for Open Creative Design Tasks in Virtual Reality

Published: 22 October 2020 Publication History


Multimodal Interfaces (MMIs) have been considered to provide promising interaction paradigms for Virtual Reality (VR) for some time. However, they are still far less common than unimodal interfaces (UMIs). This paper presents a summative user study comparing an MMI to a typical UMI for a design task in VR. We developed an application targeting creative 3D object manipulations, i.e., creating 3D objects and modifying typical object properties such as color or size. The associated open user task is based on the Torrence Tests of Creative Thinking. We compared a synergistic multimodal interface using speech-accompanied pointing/grabbing gestures with a more typical unimodal interface using a hierarchical radial menu to trigger actions on selected objects. Independent judges rated the creativity of the resulting products using the Consensual Assessment Technique. Additionally, we measured the creativity-promoting factors flow, usability, and presence. Our results show that the MMI performs on par with the UMI in all measurements despite its limited flexibility and reliability. These promising results demonstrate the technological maturity of MMIs and their potential to extend traditional interaction techniques in VR efficiently.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3382507.3418850.mp4)
This paper presents a user study comparing an multimodal interface (MMI) to a typical unimodal interface (UMI) for a design task in VR. We developed an application targeting creative 3D object manipulations, i.e., creating 3D objects and modifying typical object properties such as color or size. We compared a synergistic multimodal interface using speech-accompanied pointing/grabbing gestures with a more typical unimodal interface using a hierarchical radial menu to trigger actions on selected objects. Independent judges rated the creativity of the resulting products using the ConsensualAssessment Technique. Our results show that the MMI performs on par with the UMI in all measurements despite its limited flexibility and reliability. These promising results demonstrate the technological maturity of MMIs and their potential to extend traditional interaction techniques in VR efficiently.
MP4 File (icmi1169.mp4)
Supplemental video


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      ICMI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
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      Published: 22 October 2020


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      1. 3d user interfaces
      2. creativity
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      4. multimodal interaction
      5. speech and gesture
      6. user study
      7. virtual reality


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