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10.1145/3383313.3418485acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesrecsysConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A Joint Dynamic Ranking System with DNN and Vector-based Clustering Bandit

Published: 22 September 2020 Publication History


The ad-ranking module is the core of the advertising recommender system. Existing ad-ranking modules are mainly based on the deep neural network click-through rate prediction model. Recently an innovative ad-ranking paradigm called DNN-MAB has been introduced to address DNN-only paradigms’ weakness in perceiving highly dynamic user intent over time. We introduce the DNN-MAB paradigm into our ad-ranking system to alleviate the Matthew effect that harms the user experience. Due to data sparsity, however, the actual performance of DNN-MAB is lower than expected. In this paper, we propose an innovative ad-ranking paradigm called DNN-VMAB to solve these problems. Based on vectorization and clustering, it utilizes latent collaborative information in user behavior data to find a set of ads with higher relativity and diversity. As an integration of the essences of classical collaborative filtering, deep click-through rate prediction model, and contextual multi-armed bandit, it can improve platform revenue and user experience. Both offline and online experiments show the advantage of our new algorithm over DNN-MAB and some other existing algorithms.


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  1. A Joint Dynamic Ranking System with DNN and Vector-based Clustering Bandit
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          Published In

          cover image ACM Conferences
          RecSys '20: Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
          September 2020
          796 pages
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          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 22 September 2020

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          Author Tags

          1. Learning to rank
          2. Multi-arm bandits


          • Extended-abstract
          • Research
          • Refereed limited


          RecSys '20: Fourteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
          September 22 - 26, 2020
          Virtual Event, Brazil

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          Overall Acceptance Rate 254 of 1,295 submissions, 20%


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