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JCDL '20: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020
ACM2020 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
JCDL '20: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020 Virtual Event China August 1 - 5, 2020
01 August 2020
Recommend ACM DL

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Welcome to the 2020 ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) in Wuhan China! It is our great pleasure to present the proceedings of JCDL2020.

This year's conference theme is 'Speedier Innovation, Sustainable Development, Societal Transformation.' Under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, this theme has never been so true in human history. Many technologies and services associated with digital libraries, which are often reported and discussed on JCDL, are directly or indirectly in the fight against the virus and the pandemic. Online repositories of academic articles and datasets have been created to disseminate virus related academic knowledge. Social media data have been collected to assess the spread and the impact of the virus, as well as to enable the detection of misinformation and rumors. Web-based technologies and standards are playing critical roles of ensuring the quality and the reliability of people's online communication and virtual collaboration.

To reflect the wide scope of digital library research and practices, JCDL2020 encouraged interesting and inspiring submissions ranging across theories, systems, services, and applications from academic or public institutions, user communities, archives, museums, and social networks. The submissions could cover topics such as managing, operating, designing, developing, curating, evaluating, or utilizing digital libraries broadly defined. Therefore, multiple tracks and sessions are designed to ensure participation from researchers, practitioners, and diverse communities.

The call for papers attracted over 300 submissions from 35 countries and regions on five continents. The program committee reviewed and accepted 33 full research papers (from 106 reviewed, 31.1% acceptance rate), 28 short research papers (from 90 reviewed, 31.1% acceptance rate), 40 posters and 8 demonstrations (from 60 reviewed), 2 panels, 5 tutorials, and 7 workshops. The doctoral consortium, which aims to assist and mentor young scholars in the field of digital libraries, accepted 8 for presentation at JCDL. The practitioner track is new this year, and it emphasizes innovation, insight, and vision in the practice of digital libraries. It accepted 10 practitioner presentations from 25 reviewed.

Consequently, the accepted participations cover a wide range of topics related to digital libraries. They include various forms of digital objects (e.g., legal text, village gazetteers), generic to specific domains such as medicine and digital humanities, different digital library development technologies (e.g., collection annotation, document classification, search and recommendation), and the engagement of various stakeholders (e.g., scholars, librarians, and computer and information scientists).

This proceedings volume contains the full text of the accepted long and short papers, posters and demonstrations, as well as abstracts of the keynotes, panels, tutorials, and workshops. All paper submissions went through a rigorous reviewing process with three individual reviewers on each paper and a meta-review by a fourth expert from the DL community. Over 180 Program Committee members from four continents worked together on selecting the accepted participations in various formats.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's JCDL sessions will all be virtual. To accommodate the time differences among authors and attendees, sessions are organized based on three time zone areas (CST UTC+8 for Asia and Pacific, EDT UTC-4 for North and South America, and BST UTC+1 for Europe and Africa), and the presenter's time zone is used to determine which session a paper is assigned to. Consequently, the packed, five-day program will be presented with 1 doctoral consortium, 1 posters and demo session, 1 practitioner session, 2 interactive panels, 5 tutorials, 7 workshops, and most importantly, 18 paper sessions, with special features of three keynote speakers (Dr. Edward A. Fox, Dr. Peter Zhou, and Dr. Luo Si).

During the conference, we will award three honors: the Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award, the Best Student Paper Award, and the Best Poster/Demo Award. During the opening session of the conference, the nominees for the two Best Paper Awards will be announced. The prizes will be presented during the conference. We hope you will be inspired by the high quality and creativity of these award-winning papers.

  • Wuhan University
  • Wuhan University
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • The University of Waikato
  • Stockholm University
Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 415 of 1,482 submissions, 28%
JCDL '221323527%
JCDL '18712637%
JCDL '16521529%
JCDL '15601830%
JCDL '13952829%
JCDL '081173328%
JCDL '042496124%
JCDL '032165425%
JCDL '022406929%
JCDL '012507630%