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Preliminary Development and Evaluation of the Mini Player Experience Inventory (mPXI)

Published: 03 November 2020 Publication History


Measuring player experience (PX) is key in most game user research. Recently, the Player Experience Inventory (PXI) was presented, a validated 30-item survey instrument using a 7-point Likert scale. The issue with this instrument is that with 30 items it is too long for research studies for which PX is one of the measures. We present in this work-in-progress paper the mPXI or the mini Player Experience Inventory, a 10-item survey instrument. We evaluated the mPXI with an educational game used in engineering education (n = 169). While further evaluation of the mPXI is needed, the current results show promise for using a shortened version of the original PXI.

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  1. Preliminary Development and Evaluation of the Mini Player Experience Inventory (mPXI)



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image ACM Conferences
        CHI PLAY '20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play
        November 2020
        435 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 03 November 2020


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        Author Tags

        1. game user research
        2. player experience
        3. scale development
        4. survey


        • Short-paper

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        • (2024)Towards Game Translation User Research10.1017/9781009385824Online publication date: 2-May-2024
        • (2024)Effects of industrial design properties of game controllers on player experienceEntertainment Computing10.1016/j.entcom.2024.10068750(100687)Online publication date: May-2024
        • (2022)miniPXI: Development and Validation of an Eleven-Item Measure of the Player Experience InventoryProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/35495076:CHI PLAY(1-26)Online publication date: 31-Oct-2022
        • (2022)Development and Validation of a German Version of the Player Experience Inventory (PXI)Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 202210.1145/3543758.3543763(265-275)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2022
        • (2022)Player Experience with Brazilian accent: development and validation of PX-BR, a summarized instrument in PortugueseProceedings of the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems10.1145/3535511.3535527(1-8)Online publication date: 16-May-2022

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