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Entropy Slicing Extraction and Transfer Learning Classification for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer Diseases with sMRI

Published: 21 April 2021 Publication History


Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an irreversible neurogenerative disorder that undergoes progressive decline in memory and cognitive function and is characterized by structural brain Magnetic Resonance Images (sMRI). In recent years, sMRI data has played a vital role in the evaluation of brain anatomical changes, leading to early detection of AD through deep networks. The existing AD problems such as preprocessing complexity and unreliability are major concerns at present. To overcome these, a model (FEESCTL) has been proposed with an entropy slicing for feature extraction and Transfer Learning for classification. In the present study, the entropy image slicing method is attempted for selecting the most informative MRI slices during training stages. The ADNI dataset is trained on Transfer Learning adopted by VGG-16 network for classifying the AD with normal individuals. The experimental results reveal that the proposed model has achieved an accuracy level of 93.05%, 86.39%, 92.00% for binary classifications (AD/MCI, MCI/CN, AD/CN) and 93.12% for ternary classification (AD/MCI/CN), respectively, and henceforth the efficiency in diagnosing AD is proved through comparative analysis.


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      ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications  Volume 17, Issue 2
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      Published: 21 April 2021
      Online AM: 07 May 2020
      Accepted: 01 February 2020
      Revised: 01 January 2020
      Received: 01 October 2019
      Published in TOMM Volume 17, Issue 2


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      1. Alzheimer’s disease
      2. ConvNets
      3. convolutional neural network
      4. deep learning
      5. medical diagnostic imaging
      6. sMRI
      7. transfer learning


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