Integrating Traversal and Visual-based Techniques to Initiate UI Exploration Scripting
Pages 157 - 161
Initiating UI Test Automation project usually requires the testers who have related business knowledge, testing skill, and technical skill. Helping the testers start the project quickly and able to focus on other tasks in charge, this paper presents an approach to generate the initial UI test scripts by combining three main concepts of GUI automation including Scripting, Visual, and Traversal. The designed framework uses the data from the Accessibility API to extract target graphical elements on application under test (AUT). The traversal technique is applied for generating the sequences of interactions on all interactable objects based on Python GUI automated scripting (SikuliX) format. In case the API is not available on some OS/Applications, the computer vision technology will then be deployed on the Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) to extract the GUI elements. The implementation of the proposed framework is demonstrated via a couple of open-source applications.
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Index Terms
- Integrating Traversal and Visual-based Techniques to Initiate UI Exploration Scripting
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January 2020
303 pages
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- Univ. of Manchester: University of Manchester
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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Published: 05 April 2020
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ICCMB 2020
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January 31 - February 2, 2020
Tokyo, Japan
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