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Novel Input and Output opportunities using an Implanted Magnet

Published: 06 June 2020 Publication History


In this case study, we discuss how an implanted magnet can support novel forms of input and output. By measuring the relative position between the magnet and an on-body device, local position of the device can be used for input. Electromagnetic fields can actuate the magnet to provide output by means of in-vivo haptic feedback. Traditional tracking options would struggle tracking the input methods we suggest, and the in-vivo sensations of vibration provided as output differ from the experience of vibrations applied externally - our data suggests that in-vivo vibrations are mediated by different receptors than external vibration. As the magnet can be easily tracked as well as actuated it provides opportunities for encoding information as material experiences.


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    AHs '20: Proceedings of the Augmented Humans International Conference
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    Published: 06 June 2020


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    1. haptics
    2. implant
    3. implanted magnet
    4. magnet
    5. perception


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