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Job scheduling for large-scale machine learning clusters

Published: 24 November 2020 Publication History


With the rapid proliferation of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep learning (DL) applications running on modern platforms, it is crucial to satisfy application performance requirements such as meeting deadline and ensuring accuracy. To this end, researchers have proposed several job schedulers for ML clusters. However, none of the previously proposed schedulers consider ML model parallelism, though it has been proposed as an approach to increase the efficiency of running large-scale ML and DL jobs. Thus, in this paper, we propose an ML job Feature based job Scheduling system (MLFS) for ML clusters running both data parallelism and model parallelism ML jobs. MLFS first uses a heuristic scheduling method that considers an ML job's spatial and temporal features to determine task priority for job queue ordering in order to improve job completion time (JCT) and accuracy performance. It uses the data from the heuristic scheduling method for training a deep reinforcement learning (RL) model. After the RL model is well trained, it then switches to the RL method to automatically make decisions on job scheduling. Furthermore, MLFS has a system load control method that selects tasks from overloaded servers to move to underloaded servers based on task priority, and also intelligently removes the tasks that generate little or no improvement on the desired accuracy performance when the system is overloaded to improve JCT and accuracy by job deadline. Real experiments and large-scale simulation based on real trace show that MLFS reduces JCT by up to 53% and makespan by up to 52%, and improves accuracy by up to 64% when compared with existing ML job schedulers. We also open sourced our code.

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Job Scheduling for Large-Scale Machine Learning Clusters


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CoNEXT '20: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 24 November 2020


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  1. job scheduling
  2. machine learning
  3. resource management


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  • NSF
  • Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship
  • AWS Machine Learning Research Awards
  • CCF


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