Cited By
View all- Damodaran DDamodaran SThiyagarajan MSrinivasan L(2024)Forging TrustUsing Real-Time Data and AI for Thrust Manufacturing10.4018/979-8-3693-2615-2.ch003(43-71)Online publication date: 10-May-2024
Building users' trust is crucial to alleviating their perceived risk and facilitating their usage of mobile banking. Drawing on a tripartite perspective of transference-based, personality-based and self-perception-based determinants, this research ...
Many of the benefits promised by human-robot interaction require successful continued interaction between a human and a robot; trust is a key component of such interaction. We investigate whether having a person "n the loop" with a robot---i.e., the ...
Legged manipulators are a prime candidate for reducing risk to human lives through completing tasks in hazardous environments. However, controlling these systems in real-world applications requires a highly functional teleoperation framework, ...
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