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SIGMETRICS '00: Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems
ACM2000 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SIGMETRICS00: The International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems Santa Clara California USA June 18 - 21, 2000
17 June 2000

Reflects downloads up to 16 Feb 2025Bibliometrics

No abstract available.

A case for end system multicast (keynote address)

The conventional wisdom has been that IP is the natural protocol layer for implementing multicast related functionality. However, ten years after its initial proposal, IP Multicast is still plagued with concerns pertaining to scalability, network ...

PLM: fast convergence for cumulative layered multicast transmisson schemes

A major challenge in the Internet is to deliver live audio/video content with a good quality and to transfer files to large number of heterogeneous receivers. Multicast and cumulative layered transmission are two mechanisms of interest to accomplish ...

On achievable service differentiation with token bucket marking for TCP

The Differentiated services (diffserv) architecture has been proposed as a scalable solution for providing service differentiation among flows without any per-flow buffer management inside the core of the network. It has been advocated that it is ...

Feasibility of a serverless distributed file system deployed on an existing set of desktop PCs

We consider an architecture for a serverless distributed file system that does not assume mutual trust among the client computers. The system provides security, availability, and reliability by distributing multiple encrypted replicas of each file among ...

Comparing random data allocation and data striping in multimedia servers

We compare performance of a multimedia storage server based on a random data allocation layout and block replication with traditional data striping techniques. Data striping techniques in multimedia servers are often designed for restricted workloads, ...

Modeling and performance of MEMS-based storage devices

MEMS-based storage devices are seen by many as promising alternatives to disk drives. Fabricated using conventional CMOS processes, MEMS-based storage consists of thousands of small, mechanical probe tips that access gigabytes of high-density, ...

Implications of proxy caching for provisioning networks and servers

In this paper, we examine the potential benefits of web proxy caches in improving the effective capacity of servers and networks. Since networks and servers are typically provisioned based on a high percentile of the load, we focus on the effects of ...

Collaborative Web caching based on proxy affinities

With the exponential growth of hosts and traffic workloads on the Internet, collaborative web caching has been recognized as an efficient solution to alleviate web page server bottlenecks and reduce traffic. However, cache discovery, i.e., locating ...

Cluster reserves: a mechanism for resource management in cluster-based network servers

In network (e.g., Web) servers, it is often desirable to isolate the performance of different classes of requests from each other. That is, one seeks to achieve that a certain minimal proportion of server resources are available for a class of requests, ...

Automated disk drive characterization (poster session)

DIXtrac is a program that automatically characterizes the performance of modern disk drives. This extended abstract overviews the contents of [3], which describes and validates DIXtrac's algorithms for extracting accurate values for over 100 performance-...

RESCU: dynamic hybrid packet-loss recovery for video transmission over the Internet (poster session)

The current Internet is not reliable; packet loss rates are frequently high, and varying over time. Transmitting high-quality interactive video over the Internet is challenging because the quality of compressed video is very susceptible to packet ...

The content and access dynamics of a busy Web server (poster session)

We study the MSNBC Web site, one of the busiest in the Internet today. We analyze the dynamics of content creation and modification as well as client accesses. Our key findings are (a) files tend to change little upon modification, (b) a small set of ...

The incremental deployability of RTT-based congestion avoidance for high speed TCP Internet connections

Our research focuses on end-to-end congestion avoidance algorithms that use round trip time (RTT) fluctuations as an indicator of the level of network congestion. The algorithms are referred to as delay-based congestion avoidance or DCA. Due to the ...

Detecting shared congestion of flows via end-to-end measurement

Current Internet congestion control protocols operate independently on a per-flow basis. Recent work has demonstrated that cooperative congestion control strategies between flows can improve performance for a variety of applications, ranging from ...

IP packet generation: statistical models for TCP start times based on connection-rate superposition

TCP start times for HTTP are nonstationary. The nonstationarity occurs because the start times on a link, a point process, are a superposition of source traffic point processes, and the statistics of superposition changes as the number of superposed ...

On the impact of soft hand-off in cellular systems

We present a model for soft, hand-off in wireless cellular networks. In such networks, due to overlapping cells, hand-offs are not instantaneous and multiple channels may be occupied by a single mobile for a non-zero freeze time period.

We provide a ...

Delay asymptotics for a priority queueing system

In this paper, we study discrete-time priority queueing systems fed by a large number of arrival streams. We first provide bounds on the actual delay asymptote in terms of the virtual delay asymptote. Then, under suitable assumptions on the arrival ...

A fast and accurate iterative solution of a multi-class threshold-based queueing system with hysteresis

Our main goal in this work is to develop an efficient method for solving such models and computing the corresponding performance measures of interest, which can subsequently be used in evaluating designs of threshold-based systems.

Using the exact state space of a Markov model to compute approximate stationary measures

We present a new approximation algorithm based on an exact representation of the state space S, using decision diagrams, and of the transition rate matrix R, using Kronecker algebra, for a Markov model with K submodels. Our algorithm builds and solves K ...

AMVA techniques for high service time variability

Motivated by experience gained during the validation of a recent Approximate Mean Value Analysis (AMVA) model of modern shared memory architectures, this paper re-examines the “standard” AMVA approximation for non-exponential FCFS queues. We find that ...

  • Baskin School of Engineering
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique


Acceptance Rates

SIGMETRICS '00 Paper Acceptance Rate 28 of 165 submissions, 17%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 459 of 2,691 submissions, 17%
SIGMETRICS '193175016%
SIGMETRICS '182705420%
SIGMETRICS '17 Abstracts762736%
SIGMETRICS '162082813%
SIGMETRICS '152393213%
SIGMETRICS '142374017%
SIGMETRICS '131965428%
SIGMETRICS '032222612%
SIGMETRICS '021702314%
SIGMETRICS '012332912%
SIGMETRICS '001652817%
SIGMETRICS '99921820%
SIGMETRICS '971302519%