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VIMES: A Wearable Memory Assistance System for Automatic Information Retrieval

Published: 12 October 2020 Publication History


The advancement of artificial intelligence and wearable computing triggers the radical innovation of cognitive applications. In this work, we propose VIMES, an augmented reality-based memory assistance system that helps recall declarative memory, such as whom the user meets and what they chat. Through a collaborative method with 20 participants, we design VIMES, a system that runs on smartglasses, takes the first-person audio and video as input, and extracts personal profiles and event information to display on the embedded display or a smartphone. We perform an extensive evaluation with 50 participants to show the effectiveness of VIMES for memory recall. VIMES outperforms (90% memory accuracy) other traditional methods such as self-recall (34%) while offering the best memory experience (Vividness, Coherence, and Visual Perspective all score over 4/5). The user study results show that most participants find VIMES useful (3.75/5) and easy to use (3.46/5).

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (3394171.3413663.mp4)
In this video, we present VIMES, a wearable memory assistant for memory retrieval. We present the main findings of a collaborative design study that has been used in the process of building VIMES. Moreover, we discuss our design's main contributions to help future designers of wearable assistant systems, social acceptance, privacy, and intended adoption.


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MM '20: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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Published: 12 October 2020


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  1. augmented reality
  2. event detection
  3. face recognition
  4. memory assistance
  5. video
  6. wearable


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  • Research Grants Council of Hong Kongand the 5GEAR and FIT projects from Academy of Finland


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