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Brain-media: A Dual Conditioned and Lateralization Supported GAN (DCLS-GAN) towards Visualization of Image-evoked Brain Activities

Published: 12 October 2020 Publication History


Essentially, the current concept of multimedia is limited to presenting what people see in their eyes. What people think inside brains, however, remains a rich source of multimedia, such as imaginations of paradise and memories of good old days etc. In this paper, we propose a dual conditioned and lateralization supported GAN (DCLS-GAN) framework to learn and visualize the brain thoughts evoked by stimulating images and hence enable multimedia to reflect not only what people see but also what people think. To reveal such a new world of multimedia inside human brains, we coin such an attempt as "brain-media". By examining the relevance between the visualized image and the stimulation image, we are able to measure the efficiency of our proposed deep framework regarding the quality of such visualization and also the feasibility of exploring the concept of "brain-media". To ensure that such extracted multimedia elements remain meaningful, we introduce a dually conditioned learning technique in the proposed deep framework, where one condition is analyzing EEGs through deep learning to extract a class-dependent and more compact brain feature space utilizing the distinctive characteristics of hemispheric lateralization and brain stimulation, and the other is to extract expressive visual features assisting our automated analysis of brain activities as well as their visualizations aided by artificial intelligence. To support the proposed GAN framework, we create a combined-conditional space by merging the brain feature space with the visual feature space provoked by the stimuli. Extensive experiments are carried out and the results show that our proposed deep framework significantly outperforms the representative existing state-of-the-arts under several settings, especially in terms of both visualization and classification of brain responses to the evoked images. For the convenience of research dissemination, we make the source code openly accessible for downloading at GitHub.

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MP4 File (3394171.3413858.mp4)
We propose a dual conditioned and lateralization supported GAN framework to learn and visualize the brain thoughts evoked by stimulating images and hence enable multimedia to reflect not only what people see but also what people think. To reveal such a new world of multimedia inside human brains, we coin such an attempt as brain-media. To ensure that such extracted multimedia elements remain meaningful, we introduce a dually conditioned learning technique in the proposed deep framework, where one condition is analyzing EEGs through deep learning to extract a class-dependent and more compact brain feature space utilizing the distinctive characteristics of hemispheric lateralization and brain stimulation, and the other is to extract expressive visual features assisting our automated analysis of brain activities as well as their visualizations aided by artificial intelligence.


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Index Terms

  1. Brain-media: A Dual Conditioned and Lateralization Supported GAN (DCLS-GAN) towards Visualization of Image-evoked Brain Activities



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      MM '20: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
      October 2020
      4889 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 12 October 2020


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      1. EEG
      2. GAN
      3. brain-media
      4. deep learning
      5. image generation
      6. regional attention gate
      7. variant bi-directional LSTM


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      • Natural Science Foundation China (NSFC)
      • The second round of Shenzhen University Research Foundation funding


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