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View all- Goel SSlobodova ASumners RSwords S(2021)Balancing Automation and Control for Formal Verification of MicroprocessorsComputer Aided Verification10.1007/978-3-030-81685-8_2(26-45)Online publication date: 15-Jul-2021
Determining aliases is one of the foundamental static analysis problems, in part because the precision with which this problem is solved can affect the precision of other analyses such as live variables, available expressions, and constant propagation. ...
This paper presents a static analysis of typestate-like temporal specifications of groups of interacting objects, which are expressed using tracematches. Whereas typestate expresses a temporal specification of one object, a tracematch state may change ...
Traditional control-flow analysis (CFA) for higher-order languages introduces spurious connections between callers and callees, and different invocations of a function may pollute each other's return flows. Recently, three distinct approaches have been ...
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