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Multi-Task Learning for Entity Recommendation and Document Ranking in Web Search

Published: 26 July 2020 Publication History


Entity recommendation, providing users with an improved search experience by proactively recommending related entities to a given query, has become an indispensable feature of today’s Web search engine. Existing studies typically only consider the query issued at the current timestep while ignoring the in-session user search behavior (short-term search history) or historical user search behavior across all sessions (long-term search history) when generating entity recommendations. As a consequence, they may fail to recommend entities of interest relevant to a user’s actual information need. In this work, we believe that both short-term and long-term search history convey valuable evidence that could help understand the user’s search intent behind a query, and take both of them into consideration for entity recommendation. Furthermore, there has been little work on exploring whether the use of other companion tasks in Web search such as document ranking as auxiliary tasks could improve the performance of entity recommendation. To this end, we propose a multi-task learning framework with deep neural networks (DNNs) to jointly learn and optimize two companion tasks in Web search engines: entity recommendation and document ranking, which can be easily trained in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, we regard document ranking as an auxiliary task to improve the main task of entity recommendation, where the representations of queries, sessions, and users are shared across all tasks and optimized by the multi-task objective during training. We evaluate our approach using large-scale, real-world search logs of a widely-used commercial Web search engine. We also performed extensive ablation experiments over a number of facets of the proposed multi-task DNN model to figure out their relative importance. The experimental results show that both short-term and long-term search history can bring significant improvements in recommendation effectiveness, and the combination of both outperforms using either of them individually. In addition, the experiments show that the performance of both entity recommendation and document ranking can be significantly improved, which demonstrates the effectiveness of using multi-task learning to jointly optimize the two companion tasks in Web search.


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ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 11, Issue 5
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October 2020
325 pages
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Publication History

Published: 26 July 2020
Online AM: 07 May 2020
Accepted: 01 April 2020
Revised: 01 March 2020
Received: 01 February 2019
Published in TIST Volume 11, Issue 5


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  1. Entity recommendation
  2. Web search
  3. context-aware
  4. document ranking
  5. multi-task learning
  6. neural networks
  7. personalized


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