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Soft-HaT: Software-Based Silicon Reprogramming for Hardware Trojan Implementation

Published: 23 June 2020 Publication History


A hardware Trojan is a malicious modification to an integrated circuit (IC) made by untrusted third-party vendors, fabrication facilities, or rogue designers. Although existing hardware Trojans are designed to be stealthy, they can, in theory, be detected by post-manufacturing and acceptance tests due to their physical connections to IC logic. Manufacturing tests can potentially trigger the Trojan and propagate its payload to an output. Even if the Trojan is not triggered, the physical connections to the IC can enable detection due to additional side-channel activity (e.g., power consumption). In this article, we propose a novel hardware Trojan design, called Soft-HaT, which only becomes physically connected to other IC logic after activation by a software program. Using an electrically programmable fuse (E-fuse), the hardware can be “re-programmed” remotely. We illustrate how Soft-HaT can be used for offensive applications in system-on-chips. Examples of Soft-HaT attacks are demonstrated on an open source system-on-chip (OrpSoC) and implemented in Virtex-7 FPGA to show their efficacy in terms of stealthiness.


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  • (2023)Attacking Deep Learning AI Hardware with Universal Adversarial PerturbationInformation10.3390/info1409051614:9(516)Online publication date: 19-Sep-2023
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  1. Soft-HaT: Software-Based Silicon Reprogramming for Hardware Trojan Implementation



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    ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  Volume 25, Issue 4
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    Published: 23 June 2020
    Online AM: 07 May 2020
    Accepted: 01 April 2020
    Revised: 01 January 2020
    Received: 01 August 2019
    Published in TODAES Volume 25, Issue 4


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    1. Hardware Trojan
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    3. unauthorized memory accesses


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    • (2023)Attacking Deep Learning AI Hardware with Universal Adversarial PerturbationInformation10.3390/info1409051614:9(516)Online publication date: 19-Sep-2023
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