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Challenges in measuring partner dancing skills via wearable accelerometers

Published: 19 June 2020 Publication History


Social partner dancing is a fun but challenging activity requiring different motion related skills. Common criteria used by professionals to assess the quality of this type of dancing fall in the categories of timing, technique and teamwork (often referred to as ``the 3 Ts'') and variety of motion ({\em i.e.} ``moves''). We focus on the teamwork and variety skills for practitioners of a type of Swing dancing called Balboa. Our dataset consists of the wearable accelerometer data collected from the participants to 3 different Balboa social dance contests. Panels of professional dancers judged the contests. Later, some of those professional dancers evaluated the skills of each participant by watching video recordings of the contests. We propose four novel measures for teamwork and motion variety and we evaluate them versus the expert assessments and also activity based labels. Our preliminary results show that the measures can be useful for activity recognition and somehow useful for teamwork assessment.


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  • (2024)Kinematic Diversity and Rhythmic Alignment in Choreographic Quality Transformers for Dance Quality AssessmentIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology10.1109/TCSVT.2024.336045234:7(5677-5692)Online publication date: Jul-2024
  • (2024)Development of a wearable activity tracker based on BBC micro:bit and its performance analysis for detecting bachata dance stepsScientific Reports10.1038/s41598-024-78064-414:1Online publication date: 28-Dec-2024
  • (2022)Wearable Choreographer: Designing Soft-Robotics for Dance PracticeProceedings of the 2022 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference10.1145/3532106.3533499(1581-1596)Online publication date: 13-Jun-2022

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  1. Challenges in measuring partner dancing skills via wearable accelerometers



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      WearSys '20: Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications
      June 2020
      42 pages
      • Program Chairs:
      • Vu Tran,
      • Ashwin Ashok
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 19 June 2020


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      1. accelerometry
      2. activity recognition
      3. arts
      4. dance
      5. skill level assessment
      6. wearable sensors


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      • (2024)Kinematic Diversity and Rhythmic Alignment in Choreographic Quality Transformers for Dance Quality AssessmentIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology10.1109/TCSVT.2024.336045234:7(5677-5692)Online publication date: Jul-2024
      • (2024)Development of a wearable activity tracker based on BBC micro:bit and its performance analysis for detecting bachata dance stepsScientific Reports10.1038/s41598-024-78064-414:1Online publication date: 28-Dec-2024
      • (2022)Wearable Choreographer: Designing Soft-Robotics for Dance PracticeProceedings of the 2022 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference10.1145/3532106.3533499(1581-1596)Online publication date: 13-Jun-2022

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