Cited By
View all- Pung JD’Souza RGhosal DZhang M(2022)A road network simplification algorithm that preserves topological propertiesApplied Network Science10.1007/s41109-022-00521-87:1Online publication date: 1-Dec-2022
This work proposes a novel method that converts movement trajectories into a hierarchical transportation network. It utilizes an improved map construction algorithm on segmented input data based on types of movement. The produced hierarchical road ...
The application domain of intelligent transportation is plagued by a shortage of data sources that adequately assess traffic situations. Typically, to provide routing and navigation solutions map attributes in the form of static weights as derived from ...
With the advances and availability of networking and data processing technologies, the number of researches supporting taxi as a mean of transportation and further optimization of their route selection is increasing and broadly discussed. For the ...
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