Cited By
View all- Kumar AKrishnamurthi RBhatia SKaushik KAhuja NNayyar AMasud M(2021)Blended Learning Tools and Practices: A Comprehensive AnalysisIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2021.30858449(85151-85197)Online publication date: 2021
Creating good visualizations for ordinary users is hard, even with the help of the state-of-the-art interactive data visualization tools, such as Tableau, Qlik, because they require the users to understand the data and visualizations very well. DeepEye ...
The simplicity and visual clarity of scatterplots makes them one of the most widely-used visualization techniques for multivariate data. In complex data sets the important information can be hidden in subsets of the data, often obscured in the typical ...
We introduce a mobile sketching interface for exploring multi-dimensional datasets on wall displays. We demonstrate the idea of SketchSliders, range sliders that users can freely sketch on a mobile surface to customize their exploration. A small ...
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