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ROLAP DW transformation proposal for OLAP architecture in NoSQL database

Published: 29 January 2021 Publication History


This paper aims to present a case study related to the migration of a ROLAP architecture Data Warehouse of the University of Brasilia to an OLAP architecture in the NoSQL DB family of columns. This migration starts from the need to study new paradigms of architectures for decision support systems due to the new reality of the problems generated by the use of Big Data in the present moment at the university. We made two approaches: the first one by migrating to the Cassandra DBMS and the second one by migrating to Apache Hive. State of the art was made from Web of Science and we used the TEMAC methodology. We made a transformation of integrating all dimensions and table of facts into a single table for both Cassandra and Hive and we made a comparison by running two queries from these tables. Besides that, we also made a qualitative analysis, addressing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. In the end, we concluded that Apache Hive should be the best choice for the University of Brasilia.


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  1. ROLAP DW transformation proposal for OLAP architecture in NoSQL database



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    EATIS '20: Proceedings of the 10th Euro-American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems
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    Published: 29 January 2021


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    • (2023)Multidimensional Modelling in NoSQL Database : A Systematic Review2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)10.23919/CISTI58278.2023.10211592(1-6)Online publication date: 20-Jun-2023
    • (2023)From spatial data warehouse into NoSQL document-oriented database: case study Forest fire risk management.Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence10.1145/3638584.3638595(146-151)Online publication date: 8-Dec-2023

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