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Jumphair: Improving Jumping Performance in First-Person Video Games Through Visual Assistance

Published: 17 September 2020 Publication History


Performing jumps in 3D video games from first-person perspective can be excessively challenging because of the difficulty of estimating distances and lack of precision. To address this problem, we created a jumping assistance tool called jumphair that dynamically visualizes distances between the player character and forthcoming edges before performing a jump. Our aim was to create a jumping assistance that helps players to enhance their distance perception for performing their jumps more successfully without being distracted by the tool. We integrated the jumphair into a self-developed video game called Couch Jumper and evaluated user performance and user experience in comparison to using a static icon in two user studies (each N = 30) on a 2D display and a 3D head-mounted display (HMD), respectively. On a 2D output device, results show that the jumphair can improve jumping performances without distracting players. The jumphair is also rated helpful and can be considered an accepted game element. When used on a 3D HMD, the jumphair did not yield advantages in terms of jumping performances in its current implementation but significantly reduced simulator sickness. Our studies have implications for game research and for interface design in first-person video games with jumping mechanics.


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  1. Jumphair: Improving Jumping Performance in First-Person Video Games Through Visual Assistance



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    • (2022)Visual Delegate Generalization Frame – Evaluating Impact of Visual Effects and Elements on Player and User Experiences in Video Games and Interactive Virtual EnvironmentsProceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems10.1145/3491102.3501885(1-20)Online publication date: 29-Apr-2022

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