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DIESEL: A Dataset-Based Distributed Storage and Caching System for Large-Scale Deep Learning Training

Published: 17 August 2020 Publication History


We observe three problems in existing storage and caching systems for deep-learning training (DLT) tasks: (1) accessing a dataset containing a large number of small files takes a long time, (2) global in-memory caching systems are vulnerable to node failures and slow to recover, and (3) repeatedly reading a dataset of files in shuffled orders is inefficient when the dataset is too large to be cached in memory. Therefore, we propose DIESEL, a dataset-based distributed storage and caching system for DLT tasks. Our approach is via a storage-caching system co-design. Firstly, since accessing small files is a metadata-intensive operation, DIESEL decouples the metadata processing from metadata storage, and introduces metadata snapshot mechanisms for each dataset. This approach speeds up metadata access significantly. Secondly, DIESEL deploys a task-grained distributed cache across the worker nodes of a DLT task. This way node failures are contained within each DLT task. Furthermore, the files are grouped into large chunks in storage, so the recovery time of the caching system is reduced greatly. Thirdly, DIESEL provides chunk-based shuffle so that the performance of random file access is improved without sacrificing training accuracy. Our experiments show that DIESEL achieves a linear speedup on metadata access, and outperforms an existing distributed caching system in both file caching and file reading. In real DLT tasks, DIESEL halves the data access time of an existing storage system, and reduces the training time by hours without changing any training code.


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ICPP '20: Proceedings of the 49th International Conference on Parallel Processing
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Published: 17 August 2020


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  1. dataset management
  2. dataset shuffling
  3. deep learning
  4. distributed cache
  5. storage system


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