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Electrical Resistance Tomographic Image Enhancement Using MRNSD and LSQR

Published: 08 July 2020 Publication History


Images in tomography are vital to control measurand in the process industry. Electrical resistance tomography (ERT) measure process variable by reconstruction conductivity distribution from the electrical boundary changes. The measured value leads towards a system of large ill-posed matrix that has more one possible solution. The digitalization of measurand, turn problem into an inverse problem. Various reconstruction algorithms (i.e., iterative techniques and transform-based methods) are present to solve these inverse problems. A few steepest descent Krylov solvers such as CGLS, CRLS, LSMR etc. are there to tackle ill-posed problems with some issue. Minimal residual norm steepest descent (MRNSD) and least square QR factorization (LSQR) are the steepest descent Krylov solvers to handle tomographic ill-posed problems in robust and intrusive manner. The semi-converge is the main issue for MRNSD and LSQR. An adequate stopping criterion to handle semi-convergence for these algorithms presented in this work. Moreover, this work performed in perspective of data received in electrical resistance tomographic system.


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  1. Electrical Resistance Tomographic Image Enhancement Using MRNSD and LSQR



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    ICMSSP '20: Proceedings of the 2020 5th International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing
    May 2020
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 08 July 2020


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    Author Tags

    1. Electrical Resistance Tomography
    2. Iterative reconstruction
    3. LSQR
    4. MRNSD
    5. Steep-Descent
    6. Tomography


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    ICMSSP 2020


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    • (2023)The MPI + CUDA Gaia AVU–GSR Parallel Solver Toward Next-generation Exascale InfrastructuresPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific10.1088/1538-3873/acdf1e135:1049(074504)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023
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