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Neural Graph Matching based Collaborative Filtering

Published: 11 July 2021 Publication History


User and item attributes are essential side-information; their interactions (i.e., their co-occurrence in the sample data) can significantly enhance prediction accuracy in various recommender systems. We identify two different types of attribute interactions, inner interactions and cross interactions: inner interactions are those between only user attributes or those between only item attributes; cross interactions are those between user attributes and item attributes. Existing models do not distinguish these two types of attribute interactions, which may not be the most effective way to exploit the information carried by the interactions. To address this drawback, we propose a neural Graph Matching based Collaborative Filtering model (GMCF), which effectively captures the two types of attribute interactions through modeling and aggregating attribute interactions in a graph matching structure for recommendation. In our model, the two essential recommendation procedures, characteristic learning and preference matching, are explicitly conducted through graph learning (based on inner interactions) and node matching (based on cross interactions), respectively. Experimental results show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art models. Further studies verify the effectiveness of GMCF in improving the accuracy of recommendation.

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    SIGIR '21: Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
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    Published: 11 July 2021


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    1. attribute interactions
    2. collaborative filtering
    3. graph neural networks
    4. neural graph matching
    5. recommender systems


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