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Package Recommendation with Intra- and Inter-Package Attention Networks

Published: 11 July 2021 Publication History


With the booming of online social networks in the mobile internet, an emerging recommendation scenario has played a vital role in information acquisition for user, where users are no longer recommended with a single item or item list, but a combination of heterogeneous and diverse objects (called a package, e.g., a package including news, publisher, and friends viewing the news). Different from the conventional recommendation where users are recommended with the item itself, in package recommendation, users would show great interests on the explicitly displayed objects that could have a significant influence on the user behaviors. However, to the best of our knowledge, few effort has been made for package recommendation and existing approaches can hardly model the complex interactions of diverse objects in a package. Thus, in this paper, we make a first study on package recommendation and propose an Intra- and inter-package attention network for Package Recommendation (IPRec). Specifically, for package modeling, an intra-package attention network is put forward to capture the object-level intention of user interacting with the package, while an inter-package attention network acts as a package-level information encoder that captures collaborative features of neighboring packages. In addition, to capture users preference representation, we present a user preference learner equipped with a fine-grained feature aggregation network and coarse-grained package aggregation network. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that IPRec significantly outperforms the state of the arts. Moreover, the model analysis demonstrates the interpretability of our IPRec and the characteristics of user behaviors. Codes and datasets can be obtained at

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (SIGIR21-fp0161.mp4)
Presentation video of SIGIR2021 paper "Package Recommendation with Intra- and Inter-Package Attention Networks".


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SIGIR '21: Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 2021
2998 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 11 July 2021


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  1. neural networks
  2. recommendation systems
  3. social influence


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  • the National Natural Science Foundation of China



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