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An Image is Worth a Thousand Terms? Analysis of Visual E-Commerce Search

Published: 11 July 2021 Publication History


Visual search has become popular in recent years, allowing users to search by an image they are taking using their mobile device or uploading from their photo library. One domain in which visual search is especially valuable is electronic commerce, where users seek for items to purchase. In this work, we present an in-depth comprehensive study of visual e-commerce search. We perform query log analysis of one of the largest e-commerce platforms' mobile search application. We compare visual and textual search by a variety of characteristics, with special focus on the retrieved results and user interaction with them. We also examine image query characteristics, refinement by attributes, and performance prediction for visual search queries. Our analysis points out a variety of differences between visual and textual e-commerce search. We discuss the implications of these differences for the design of future e-commerce search systems.

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MP4 File (SIGIR'21 talk - Image Paper.mp4)
Visual search has become popular in recent years, allowing users to search by an image they are taking using their mobile device or uploading from their photo library. One domain in which visual search is especially valuable is electronic commerce, where users seek for items to purchase. In this work, we present an in-depth comprehensive study of visual e-commerce search. We perform query log analysis of one of the largest e-commerce platforms? mobile search application. We compare visual and textual search by a variety of characteristics, with special focus on the retrieved results and user interaction with them. We also examine image query characteristics, refinement by attributes, and performance prediction for visual search queries. Our analysis points out a vari- ety of differences between visual and textual e-commerce search. We discuss the implications of these differences for the design of future e-commerce search systems.


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SIGIR '21: Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 2021
2998 pages
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Published: 11 July 2021


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  1. e-commerce search
  2. product search
  3. query log analysis
  4. query performance prediction
  5. search by image
  6. visual search


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