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Pairwise Link Prediction Model for Out of Vocabulary Knowledge Base Entities

Published: 02 September 2020 Publication History


Real-world knowledge bases such as DBPedia, Yago, and Freebase contain sparse linkage connectivity, which poses a severe challenge to link prediction between entities. To cope with such data scarcity issues, recent models have focused on learning interactions between entity pairs by means of relations that exist between them. However promising, some relations are associated with very few tail entities or head entities, resulting in poor estimation of the relation interaction between entities. In this article, we break the sole dependency of modeling relation interactions between entity pairs by associating a triple with pairwise embeddings, i.e., distributed vector representations for pairs of word-based entities and relation of a triple. We capture the interactions that exist between pairwise embeddings by means of a Pairwise Factorization Model that employs a factorization machine with relation attention. This approach allows parameters for related interactions to be estimated efficiently, ensuring that the pairwise embeddings are discriminative, providing strong supervisory signals for the decoding task of link prediction. The Pairwise Factorization Model we propose exploits a neural bag-of-words model as the encoder, which effectively encodes word-based entities into distributed vector representations for the decoder. The proposed model is simple and enjoys efficiency and capability, showing superior link prediction performance over state-of-the-art complex models on benchmark datasets DBPedia50K and FB15K-237.


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  1. Pairwise Link Prediction Model for Out of Vocabulary Knowledge Base Entities



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      ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 38, Issue 4
      October 2020
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      Publication History

      Published: 02 September 2020
      Accepted: 01 June 2020
      Revised: 01 April 2020
      Received: 01 September 2019
      Published in TOIS Volume 38, Issue 4


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      1. Knowledge bases
      2. graph convolutional networks
      3. representation learning


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