Cited By
View all- Aksoy SKempton MYoung S(2021)Spectral Threshold for Extremal Cyclic Edge-ConnectivityGraphs and Combinatorics10.1007/s00373-021-02333-637:6(2079-2093)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2021
Cyclic vertex connectivity c κ and cyclic edge connectivity c λ are two important kinds of conditional connectivity, which reflect the number of vertices or edges that can be removed before the graph is disconnected and at least two components ...
For a connected graph G, a set S of vertices is a cyclic vertex cutset if $$G - S$$G-S is not connected and at least two components of $$G-S$$G-S contain a cycle respectively. The cyclic vertex connectivity $$c \kappa (G)$$c?(G) is the cardinality of a ...
A cyclic edge-cut of a connected graph $$G$$G is an edge set, the removal of which separates two cycles. If $$G$$G has a cyclic edge-cut, then it is called cyclically separable. For a cyclically separable graph $$G$$G, the cyclic edge connectivity of a ...
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