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Action Fractions: The Design and Pilot of an Integrated Math+CS Elementary Curriculum Based on Learning Trajectories

Published: 05 March 2021 Publication History


The computer science (CS) education field is exploring several instructional strategies for teaching CS to children in elementary school. Strong arguments have been made for integration--- constructing activities that not only teach CS, but use the CS to support learning in a core subject. Integrating CS materials into a specific curriculum is a non-trivial task that may unfairly burden elementary teachers, who are often generalists. Successful development and classroom implementation of integrated materials relies on many decisions about what, when, and how much subject matter to cover in relation to the main curriculum.
In this paper, we describe the design of a collection of 3rd and 4th grade (8-10 years old) integrated math+CS lessons. Our instructional materials use Scratch as a programming language and employ a learning trajectory approach to integrate the CS concepts of sequence, decomposition, repetition, conditionals, variables, and debugging into fractions content in a popular elementary mathematics curriculum. The integrated lessons are inserted throughout the main mathematics curriculum, providing multiple, non-continuous exposures to CS content. In addition, we present preliminary data from selected activities, including teacher feedback about the structure and impact of the math+CS instructional materials on their students? work.


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  1. Action Fractions: The Design and Pilot of an Integrated Math+CS Elementary Curriculum Based on Learning Trajectories



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      SIGCSE '21: Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
      March 2021
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      Published: 05 March 2021


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