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Performance and Acceptance Evaluation of a Driver Drowsiness Detection System based on Smart Wearables

Published: 20 September 2021 Publication History


Current systems for driver drowsiness detection often use driving-related parameters. Automated driving reduces the availability of these parameters. Techniques based on physiological signals seem to be a promising alternative. However, in a dynamic driving environment, only non- or minimal intrusive methods are accepted. In this work, a driver drowsiness detection system based on a smart wearable is proposed. A mobile application with an integrated machine learning classifier processes heart rate from a consumer-grade wearable. A simulator study (N=30) with two age groups (20-25, 65-70 years) was conducted to evaluate acceptance and performance of the system. Acceptance evaluation resulted in high acceptance in both age groups. Older participants showed higher attitudes and intentions towards using the system compared to younger participants. Overall detection accuracy of 82.72% was achieved. The proposed system offers new options for in-vehicle human-machine interfaces, especially for driver drowsiness detection in the lower levels of automated driving.


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AutomotiveUI '21: 13th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications
September 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 20 September 2021


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  1. acceptance
  2. automated driving
  3. driver drowsiness detection
  4. machine learning
  5. prototype
  6. simulator study
  7. wearable devices


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  • (2024)A Novel Hybrid Approach for Driver Drowsiness Detection Using a Custom Deep Learning ModelIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.343861712(126866-126884)Online publication date: 2024
  • (2023)Drowsiness Mitigation Through Driver State Monitoring Systems: A Scoping ReviewHuman Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society10.1177/00187208231208523Online publication date: 20-Nov-2023
  • (2023)Design and Implementation of a Drowsiness Detection System Up to Extended Head Angle Using FaceMesh Machine Learning SolutionMachine Intelligence and Emerging Technologies10.1007/978-3-031-34622-4_7(79-90)Online publication date: 11-Jun-2023
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