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Sound Decisions: How Synthetic Motor Sounds Improve Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions

Published: 20 September 2020 Publication History


Electric vehicles’ (EVs) nearly silent operation has proved to be dangerous for bicyclists and pedestrians, who often use an internal combustion engine’s sound as one of many signals to locate nearby vehicles and predict their behavior. Inspired by regulations currently being implemented that will require EVs and hybrid vehicles (HVs) to play synthetic sound, we used a Wizard-of-Oz AV setup to explore how adding synthetic engine sound to a hybrid autonomous vehicle (AV) will influence how pedestrians interact with the AV in a naturalistic field study. Pedestrians reported increased interaction quality and clarity of intent of the vehicle to yield compared to a baseline condition without any added sound. These findings suggest that synthetic engine sound will not only be effective at helping pedestrians to hear EVs, but also may help AV developers implicitly signal to pedestrians when the vehicle will yield.


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AutomotiveUI '20: 12th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications
September 2020
300 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 20 September 2020


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  1. Autonomous vehicles
  2. Driverless cars
  3. External human-machine interfaces
  4. Ghostdriver
  5. Implicit interaction
  6. Pedestrian interaction
  7. Sound design
  8. Wizard-of-Oz


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  • Robert Bosch, LLC


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