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10.1145/3409334.3452063acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesacm-seConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A computer vision pipeline for automatic large-scale inventory tracking

Published: 10 May 2021 Publication History


Monitoring and tracking inventory is one of the most important aspects of administrating any large-scale enterprise operation that involves physical goods. One of the most evident examples of such operations is automotive manufacturing, especially for servicing a global customer base. We present a software solution of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) that utilizes state-of-the-art computer vision (CV) and other algorithmic techniques to locate, detect, and manage inventory storage logistics using label information from simple warehouse images. When used in conjunction with a recently developed robotic imaging system, our pipeline can be shown to replace the need for costly, error-prone human input to the inventory tracking system. This paper outlines the technical and practical application of IPA fueled by deep learning. The specific motivation for this project was to address a critical need of Mercedes-Benz U.S. International (MBUSI), but the techniques could be applied more generally to other inventory management contexts. We also discuss how our pipeline produces an inexpensive, efficient, and generalizable solution that provides the capability to retrieve data from an unpredictable environment, in contrast to previous approaches.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ACMSE '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Southeast Conference
April 2021
263 pages
  • Conference Chair:
  • Kazi Rahman,
  • Program Chair:
  • Eric Gamess
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 10 May 2021


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  1. computer vision
  2. deep learning
  3. intelligent process automation
  4. large-scale tracking
  5. object detection
  6. pattern recognition
  7. robotic process automation


  • Research-article


ACM SE '21
ACM SE '21: 2021 ACM Southeast Conference
April 15 - 17, 2021
Virtual Event, USA

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  • (2023)A Comprehensive Framework for Industrial Sticker Information Recognition Using Advanced OCR and Object Detection TechniquesApplied Sciences10.3390/app1312732013:12(7320)Online publication date: 20-Jun-2023
  • (2023)Training industrial engineers in Logistics 4.0Computers and Industrial Engineering10.1016/j.cie.2023.109550184:COnline publication date: 1-Oct-2023
  • (2022)Application of Deep Learning Techniques and Bayesian Optimization with Tree Parzen Estimator in the Classification of Supply Chain Pricing Datasets of Health MedicationsApplied Sciences10.3390/app12191016612:19(10166)Online publication date: 10-Oct-2022

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