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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 15th ACM SIGSAC Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2020), co-located with the 27th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS 2020). Over its 15 years, PLAS has provided a forum for exploring and evaluating the use of programming language and program analysis techniques for promoting security in the complete range of software systems, from compilers to machine learned models and smart contracts.
Proceeding Downloads
From Verified Compilation to Secure Compilation: a Semantic Approach
A formally verified compiler is a compiler that comes with a machine-checked proof that no bug is introduced during compilation. This correctness property states that the compiler preserves the semantics of programs. Formally verified compilers ...
Short Paper: Secure Multiparty Logic Programming
Logic Programming (LP) is considered to be relatively simple for non-programmers, and allows the developer to focus on developing facts and rules of a logical derivation, and not on algorithms. Secure multiparty computation (MPC) is a methodology that ...
Short Paper: Probabilistically Almost-Oblivious Computation
Memory-trace Obliviousness (MTO) is a noninterference property: programs that enjoy it have neither explicit nor implicit information leaks, even when the adversary can observe the program counter and the address trace of memory accesses. Probabilistic ...
Short Paper: Weak Runtime-Irrelevant Typing for Security
Types indexed with extra type-level information are a powerful tool for statically enforcing domain-specific security properties. In many cases, this extra information is runtime-irrelevant, and so it can be completely erased at compile-time without ...
Short Paper: Modular Black-box Runtime Verification of Security Protocols
Verification techniques have been applied to the design of secure protocols for decades. However, relatively few efforts have been made to ensure that verified designs are also implemented securely. Static code verification techniques offer one way to ...
How APIs Are Both the Illness and the Cure: The Software Heterogeneity Problem in Modern Web Applications
It is easier than ever before to build complex web applications that handle sensitive user data. At same time, regulatory shifts have made data breaches more costly than ever before.
While starting Akita, I discovered just how difficult it is for ...
Automatic Discovery and Synthesis of Checksum Algorithms from Binary Data Samples
Reverse engineering unknown binary message formats is an important part of security research. Error detecting codes such as checksums and Cyclic Redundancy Check codes (CRCs) are commonly added to messages as a guard against corrupt or untrusted input. ...
Short Paper: Blockcheck the Typechain
Recent efforts have sought to design new smart contract programming languages that make writing blockchain programs safer. But programs on the blockchain are beholden only to the safety properties enforced by the blockchain itself: even the strictest ...