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Automatic Discovery and Synthesis of Checksum Algorithms from Binary Data Samples

Published: 09 November 2020 Publication History


Reverse engineering unknown binary message formats is an important part of security research. Error detecting codes such as checksums and Cyclic Redundancy Check codes (CRCs) are commonly added to messages as a guard against corrupt or untrusted input. Before an analyst can manufacture input for software which uses checksums they must discover the algorithm to calculate a valid checksum. To address this need, we have developed a program synthesis based approach for detecting and reverse-engineering checksum algorithms automatically.
Our approach takes a small set of binary messages as input and automatically returns a Python implementation of the checksum algorithm if one can be found. Our approach first performs a search over the message space to identify the location of the checksum and then uses program synthesis to identify the operations performed on the message to compute the checksum. We return to the user runnable code to both calculate a checksum from a message and to validate a message according to the checksum algorithm. We generate unit tests, allowing the user to validate the synthesized checksum algorithm is correct with regard to the input messages.
We created the Tufts Checksum Corpus comprised of 12 checksum inference questions collected from posts on reverse engineering question and answer sites and 2 instances of common internet protocol checksums.
Our approach successfully synthesized the underlying checksum algorithms for 12 out of 14 cases in our test suite.


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  1. Automatic Discovery and Synthesis of Checksum Algorithms from Binary Data Samples



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        Published In

        cover image ACM Conferences
        PLAS'20: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security
        November 2020
        46 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 09 November 2020


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        Author Tags

        1. binary data
        2. checksums
        3. fuzzing
        4. protocols
        5. reverse engineering
        6. synthesis


        • Research-article

        Funding Sources

        • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
        • Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)


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