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Tracing Contacts With Mobile Phones to Curb the Pandemic:Topics and Stances in People’s Online Comments About the Official German Contact-Tracing App

Published: 08 May 2021 Publication History


The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a health crisis with 90 million infections and two million deaths by the end of January 2021. To prevent an overload of medical capacities, quickly identifying potentially infected persons is vital to stop the spread of the virus. Mobile apps for tracing people’s contacts seem effective, but raise public concerns, e. g., about privacy. Hence, they are contested in public discourse. We report a large-scale NLP-supported analysis of people’s comments about the German contact-tracing app on news websites, social media and app stores. We identified prevalent topics, stances, and how commenting developed over time. We found privacy to be among the most debated topics discussed from various perspectives. Commenting peaked at one point in time, when public discourse centered on the potential tracing protocols and their privacy protection. We encourage further research on the link between the public discussions and actual adoption rates of the app.


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CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
May 2021
2965 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 08 May 2021


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  1. contact tracing
  2. covid-19
  3. mobile tracing app
  4. newspaper comments
  5. pandemic
  6. public sentiments
  7. social media
  8. technology appropriation


  • Poster
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  • German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • Hessen State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts


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