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Reducing Risk in Digital Self-Control Tools: Design Patterns and Prototype

Published: 08 May 2021 Publication History


Many users take advantage of digital self-control tools to self-regulate their device usage through interventions such as timers and lockout mechanisms. One of the major challenges faced by these tools is the user reacting against their self-imposed constraints and abandoning the tool. Although lower-risk interventions would reduce the likelihood of abandonment, previous research on digital self-control tools has left this area of study relatively unexplored. In response, this paper contributes two foundational principles relating risk and effectiveness; four widely applicable novel design patterns for reducing risk of abandonment of digital self-control tools (continuously variable interventions, anti-aging design, obligatory bundling of interventions, and intermediary control systems); and a prototype digital self-control tool that implements these four low-risk design patterns.


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CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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Published: 08 May 2021


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  1. DBCI
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  3. Digital self-control tool
  4. design pattern
  5. digital behavior control intervention
  6. digital wellbeing
  7. online controlled experiment


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