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LociMotion: Towards Learning a Strong Authentication Secret in a Single Session

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


In this work, we design and evaluate LociMotion, a training interface to learn a strong authentication secret in a single session. LociMotion automatically takes a random password with twelve lowercase letters (56-bit entropy) to generate the training interface. It first leverages users’ spatial and visual (declarative) memory by showing them a video clip based on the method of loci, and then consolidates the learning process by having them play a computer game that leverages their motor (procedural) memory. The results of a memorability study with 300 participants showed that LociMotion had a significantly higher recall success rate than a control condition. A second study with 200 participants demonstrated the effectiveness of LociMotion over a period of time (99%, 96%, and 81% recall success rates after 1, 4, and 18 days, respectively). LociMotion offers an alternative to the spaced repetition technique, as it does not require dozens of training sessions.


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Published: 07 May 2021


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  1. Authentication
  2. memorability
  3. system-assigned passwords
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