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A Critical Examination of Virtual Reality Technology in the Context of the Minority Body

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


Virtual Reality (VR) holds the promise of immersing people in virtual worlds. However, initial work on the relationship between VR and disability suggests that VR is a body-centric technology that poses barriers for disabled users. We supplement this work with a theoretical analysis of immersive VR through the lens of Surrogate Body theory, a concept from media theory for the structured examination of interactive media in use. Leveraging Critical Disability Studies, particularly the theory of the Minority Body, we explore the assumptions about bodies inherent in VR, and we reflect on implications of these assumptions when disabled people engage with the technology. Our findings show that VR is an inherently ableist technology that assumes a ‘corporeal standard’ (i.e., an ‘ideal’, non-disabled human body), and fails to adequately accommodate disabled people. We conclude with implications for HCI research on VR, and discuss design approaches that foster inclusive technology development.


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