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BezelGlide: Interacting with Graphs on Smartwatches with Minimal Screen Occlusion

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


We present BezelGlide, a novel suite of bezel interaction techniques, designed to minimize screen occlusion and ‘fat finger’ effects, when interacting with common graphs on smartwatches. To explore the design of BezelGlide, we conducted two user studies. First, we quantified the amount of screen occlusion experienced when interacting with the smartwatch bezel. Next, we designed two techniques that involve gliding the finger along the smartwatch bezel for graph interaction. Full BezelGlide (FBG) and Partial BezelGlide (PBG), use the full or a portion of the bezel, respectively, to reduce screen occlusion while scanning a line chart for data. In the common value detection task, we find that PBG outperforms FBG and Shift, a touchscreen occlusion-free technique, both quantitatively and subjectively, also while mobile. We finally illustrate the generzability potential of PBG to interact with common graph types making it a valuable interaction technique for smartwatch users.

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