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Leaving the Field: Designing a Socio-Material Toolkit for Teachers to Continue to Design Technology with Children

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


Leaving the field when conducting research in situated contexts, and finding ways to sustain project outcomes beyond academia, is an ongoing struggle in HCI. In our research project, we co-designed technologies with children in classroom contexts for three years. Nearing the projects’ end, we focused on creating resources that enable teachers to continue our work with their pupils. In collaboration with teachers, we developed socio-material tools that support them in empowering neurodiverse children to engage with technology in creative ways and create their own technologies. While the majority of technology design toolkits are stand-alone artefacts, part of our toolkit is an infrastructure to keep guiding and supporting teachers beyond the project’s end. In this paper, we discuss the teachers expectations and requirements for a toolkit and argue that an infrastructure must be part of a toolkit. We present a set of guidelines for researchers planning for a project’s end.

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      CHI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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      1. Children
      2. Education
      3. HCI
      4. Infrastructuring
      5. Neurodiversity
      6. Participatory Design
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