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DistanciAR: Authoring Site-Specific Augmented Reality Experiences for Remote Environments

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


Most augmented reality (AR) authoring tools only support the author’s current environment, but designers often need to create site-specific experiences for a different environment. We propose DistanciAR, a novel tablet-based workflow for remote AR authoring. Our baseline solution involves three steps. A remote environment is captured by a camera with LiDAR; then, the author creates an AR experience from a different location using AR interactions; finally, a remote viewer consumes the AR content on site. A formative study revealed understanding and navigating the remote space as key challenges with this solution. We improved the authoring interface by adding two novel modes: Dollhouse, which renders a bird’s-eye view, and Peek, which creates photorealistic composite images using captured images. A second study compared this improved system with the baseline, and participants reported that the new modes made it easier to understand and navigate the remote scene.

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        CHI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
        May 2021
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        Published: 07 May 2021


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        1. 3D scanning
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