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MomentMeld: AI-augmented Mobile Photographic Memento towards Mutually Stimulatory Inter-generational Interaction

Published: 07 May 2021 Publication History


Aging often comes with declining social interaction, a known adversarial factor impacting the life satisfaction of senior population. Such decline appears even in family–a permanent social circle, as their adult children eventually go independent. We present MomentMeld, an AI-powered, cloud-backed mobile application that blends with everyday routine and naturally encourages rich and frequent inter-generational interactions in a family, especially those between the senior generation and their adult children. Firstly, we design a photographic interaction aid called mutually stimulatory memento, which is a cross-generational juxtaposition of semantically related photos to bring natural arousal of context-specific inter-generational empathy and reminiscence. Secondly, we build comprehensive ensemble AI models consisting of various deep neural networks and a runtime system that automates the creation of mutually stimulatory memento on top of the user’s usual photo-taking routines. We deploy MomentMeld in-the-wild with six families for an eight-week period, and discuss the key findings and further implications.


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