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A new self-organizing map based algorithm for multi-label stream classification

Published: 22 April 2021 Publication History


Several algorithms have been proposed for offline multi-label classification. However, applications in areas such as traffic monitoring, social networks, and sensors produce data continuously, the so called data streams, posing challenges to batch multi-label learning. With the lack of stationarity in the distribution of data streams, new algorithms are needed to online adapt to such changes (concept drift). Also, in realistic applications, changes occur in scenarios with infinitely delayed labels, where the true classes of the arrival instances are never available. We propose an online unsupervised incremental method based on self-organizing maps for multi-label stream classification in scenarios with infinitely delayed labels. We consider the existence of an initial set of labeled instances to train a self-organizing map for each label. The learned models are then used and adapted in an evolving stream to classify new instances, considering that their classes will never be available. We adapt to incremental concept drifts by online updating the weight vectors of winner neurons and the dataset label cardinality. Predictions are obtained using the Bayes rule and the outputs of each neuron, adapting the prior probabilities and conditional probabilities of the classes in the stream. Experiments using synthetic and real datasets show that our method is highly competitive with several ones from the literature, in both stationary and concept drift scenarios.


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Published: 22 April 2021


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  1. classification
  2. concept drift
  3. data streams
  4. machine learning
  5. multi-label
  6. self-organizing maps


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