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View all- Manasreh DSwaleh SCohen KNazzal M(2022)Semi-supervised Physics-Informed Genetic Fuzzy System for IoT BLE LocalizationApplications of Fuzzy Techniques10.1007/978-3-031-16038-7_15(135-147)Online publication date: 30-Sep-2022
Compared with the maturity of outdoor positioning technology, the indoor LBS Location Based Services are far less available. Yet, some applications such as virtual reality and augmented reality are in great need of services provided by indoor ...
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Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons have been used to track the locations of individuals in indoor environments for clinical applications such as workflow analysis and infectious disease modelling. Most current ...
Much effort has been expended to develop and improve indoor positioning. Many wireless sensor technologies have been used for indoor positioning systems; however WiFi has been the most widely employed sensor system as an alternative to Global ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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