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The Implementation and Effectiveness of Using Ubiquitous Learning Model to Pre-service Teacher Training in Special Education

Published: 01 October 2020 Publication History


To strengthen the habit of readiness and active learning of pre-service teachers in special education, and to allow teachers to have more opportunities for discussion with students, this study used ubiquitous learning model, teaching of flipped classrooms, and collaborative learning, to explore the differences between two different teaching arrangements of compulsory course “Assessment of Students with Special Needs” in the Department of the Special Education. In addition to analyze students’ learning performances, teachers prepared online teaching materials to upload to the school teaching platform and let students read the textbooks in advance, so that students can complete the concept learning through teacher's lecture-slide instruction. And, teachers also set the adaptive test and automatic scoring system in every class to understand students’ learning situation. Finally, it collected students’ score of concept test to compare the differences by Independent Sample t test. It also collected teacher's and students’ feedback by interview to understand their effect. According to 4-month teaching and learning, the score of experiment group had significant differences than that of control group (t=5.106, p< .05). Students also felt that they had more opportunities for actual practice. It showed that students had significant learning performances through the ubiquitous learning model, flipping and cooperative learning. In response to social changes, epidemics, and the transformation of learning styles, this result can also provide various methods of teacher training and teaching.


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  1. The Implementation and Effectiveness of Using Ubiquitous Learning Model to Pre-service Teacher Training in Special Education



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    ICEMT '20: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology
    July 2020
    268 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 October 2020


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    Author Tags

    1. Flipped teaching
    2. Pre-service teacher training
    3. Special education
    4. Ubiquitous learning model


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    • Ministry of Education, Taiwan


    ICEMT 2020


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