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TactileWear: A Comparison of Electrotactile and Vibrotactile Feedback on the Wrist and Ring Finger

Published: 26 October 2020 Publication History


Wearables are getting more and more powerful. Tasks like notifications can be delegated to smartwatches. But the output capabilities of wearables seem to be stuck at displays and vibration. Electrotactile feedback may serve as an energy-efficient alternative to standard vibration feedback. We developed prototypes of wristbands and rings and conducted two studies to compare electrotactile and vibrotactile feedback. The prototypes have either four electrodes for electrotactile feedback or four actuators for vibration feedback. In a first study we analyzed the localization characteristics of the created stimuli. The results suggest more strongly localized sensations for electrotactile feedback, compared to vibrotactile feedback, which was more diffuse. In a second study we created notification patterns for both modalities and evaluated recognition rates, verbal associations, and satisfaction. Although the recognition rates were higher with electrotactile feedback, vibrotactile feedback was judged as more comfortable and less stressful. Overall, the results show that electrotactile feedback can be a viable alternative to vibrotactile feedback for wearables, especially for notification rings.


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    1. Electrotactile Feedback
    2. Haptic Perception
    3. Notification
    4. Tactile Pattern
    5. Vibration
    6. Wearable Computing


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